Installing Disqus....and now removing it.

Have you tried Disqus yet? I've commented on many blogs that use it, and I liked the way that one can keep better track of comments in a cohesive manner. It keeps all the comments I make together so that I can go back and visit them again. This is especially important when you hop, skip and jump over to a new blog and then forget what its name was. Using Disqus means that all your comments are kept together and that you get notifications when you get a reply to a comment you made. Would appreciate your feedback on it. Do try it out.

Edited on Nov 6th, 2012: Removing Disqus since I just didn't like how it worked. Plus it's an extra step for me to moderate, from a different platform, so more work. Plus, I don't want to have your email, just your blog url, so I can visit you. Sorry Disqus. And so sorry for the few comments that got lost in the way. 


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