Umm, does my face need to be resurfaced? No thanks!
In the supermarket on a grocery run, I thought I'd quickly pick up some moisturizer and body lotion, but I never thought I'd end up walking away dazed and confused. There was every type of lotion and potion promising anti-aging miracles, anti-oxidants and even one night cream that called itself a "resurfacing" agent. Hey, wait, since when did my face become a road that needs resurfacing? It's a struggle these days to find the simpler things I think, the more complex you want things to be, the better the chance that you'll be successful. So, if you're looking for something simple such as a natural acne remedy or a simple bottle of old fashioned lotion, then the supermarket might not be the right place for you, and instead head to an old fashioned mom and pop store that keeps just the basics and not the stuff that you would want to resurface your face with.