On selecting the right wine

If you love to drink wine but are unsure of what to order, then you're going to love this site. Snooth is a great new way to learn how to select a wine and depending on your search criteria, it will offer you a variety of wine options that are suited to you. In essence, Snooth is a search engine specializing in wine.

So if you're looking for something to go with beef, just enter it into the search box and you'll have several wines to choose from. Each of the wines listed are rated by users who have tried it, so you can get a well rounded perspective of the wine, from the experts as well as the general consumers. Snooth was founded in 2006 by Philip James who was formerly the Executive VP at Wine Messenger, one of the leading online wine retailers in the US. All in all, I like their system. The interface is very smooth and the site is quite serene and it's definitely a site that'll I'm likely to use in the future.


Early this summer we went to Napa(Barringers and Zinfandel fame) to taste wines. It was quite an embarrassment for our unrefined palate. The wines we found tasty were at the cheap end of the spectrum and as we went up the ladder they became drier and left a wooden taste in mouth.Yucks! Any wine lover would happily wring our necks for this blasphemy.

Anyhow we carried home some disapproving brands that we loved.

On a side note, I've added a link to my blog to your site. Unfortunately , the only two persons who visit my blog are my wife(to correct my grammer) and me to unburden my self :)

Keep blogging :)
Shalini said…
The last time I was in Napa, I was not yet 21 and unfortunately could not take part in any wine tasting!!

I am not too fond of Napa wine either. My hubby is superb at selecting wines (he has a background in hospitality management) and we found some really great ones at the Food Bazaar in Bangalore Central when we lived in Blore. Unfortunately, it has not been so easy to find good wine in Bombay.

You hit the nail on the head, when you said that only you and your wife visit your blog...ha ha...mine started like that too....except I had to force my hubby to read my blog and quiz him later on to see if he actually had!!
Anonymous said…
Wow thanks for the tip. This is the first I've heard of such a site, but it will be a great help.
Shalini said…
You're welcome! You've got lots of really specific details on your site. Quite impressive.

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