Focusing on a niche target

As the number of baby boomers increases, all products that are focused on them are sure to see an increase in sales. Products such as stairlifts that never got much attention earlier, are one of the hottest products around for senior citizens. The baby boomer generation has been very independent and this product feeds exactly that need. Value Stairlifts have done a wonderful job in marketing their products to their specific audience, besides having great products of their own, including stairlifts for curved staircases, outdoor settings and standing stairlifts as well, all of which are adaptable to the customers' specific requirements.


Anonymous said…
I thought baby boomers are now walking into sunset years of their lives.

Tell me something, is blogging part of your profession?
Shalini said…
Baby Boomers are the push behind lots of products these days inlcuding these stairlifts, even thought they are a lot more active than people of the same age a generation earlier.

Blogging is something I love to do. I started out quite casually in 2004 but it has now become a daily part of my life.

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