Make your travel plans here

Here we are barely back from one trip and already thinking of our next one. I think it's a really great strategy, as one is always in some stage of enjoying a vacation, either before or after. Next we're thinking, Amsterdam, and there's a site where you can find all the information you need about the city to plan a great vacation there. It's called and everything you need for a trip to the city.

A lot of travel sites, make a trip and a destination seem too sterile and cookie cutter, and is the complete opposite. I like the way their site is set up, the layout and the format, the colors and the great pictures right on the first page itself. The hotels themselves are not the general run of the mill ones, but completely unique and with tons of personality and character. I mean, who wouldn't want to stay at the Amsterland Apartments when in Amsterdam. Located in the heart of the city, it seems like a great starting point to explore this beautiful and artistic city. At present, the site offers information on Amsterdam, Barcelona and Rome and will soon be adding London and Prague to their site.


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