Raise the standard of your blog

I think all bloggers have a blog improvement agenda. I certainly do and I am always on the lookout for new ideas, tips and tricks to improve my blog on all fronts; content, look, quality of writing, focus etc. I've been following Darren's Blogged Out Profect which he started to give share with readers the techniques he has used to promote his blog. Once a week, Darren will share his traffic stats and the income generated during the project with his readers. The point is that all of us readers should also try out these techniques to see how it works or not for them. The Blogged Out Project will continue for three months and Darren will donate 40% of his gross income generated during this time to a charity that his readers will vote for.


K. K said…
The best way to promote ur blog is involvement. Read and listen and comment - whatever u feel like: Good, Bad or Ugly! Show ur blogroll - and ping it!

Keep rocking!
Shalini said…
I completely agree. The foundation of blogs is interaction and communication with other bloggers.

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