hello, do you remember me?

Ages, isn't it! Lots of good reasons to be away though. A new baby girl named Amaira being the most important of all! She's 2 months old already but I still haven't got enough of her newborn-ness, and she's outgrowing it all so fast, becoming chubby and smiling up at us so sweetly.

Also on the cards is moving to Delhi from Dubai, which we are currently doing, so yes, lots on our plate lately. I have missed blogging regularly, but didn't want to post stuff here just to fill space, only when I really wanted to. So here I am. Not making any promises of being regular though. Not yet, at least!

 Teeny tiny baby feet!

 The simplicity of Sada-bahaar blooms.

 Baking again! Yes, glad to be baking again. This was a Honey Yogurt bread with raisins.


Haddock said…
That should be a good move I suppose (Dubai to Delhi) May have a few initial hiccups on the relocation, things will settle down soon :-)
And baking is welcome, anytime any where :-)
Shilpa said…
welcome Amaira.

your unassuming use of words and beautiful, warm pictures always brighten my days :)
Shalini said…
Haddock, I like that...baking is welcome, anytime anywhere!

Shilpa, thank you. You know it's what I think about your writing too.
Marie said…
Congratulations! Amaira is a beautiful name.Good luck with your move. Hold on to that precious cargo:)
Shalini said…
Thanks so much Marie. We tossed names back and forth endlessly, finally deciding on her name a week before she was born!

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