the week gone by...

Another week gone by so fast! Really, where did the time go? The weekend seemed to disappear in a nano second, but even though it was busy, it was a lot of fun. I just didn't get to unwind like I usually do though. We went out for a lovely lunch to meet some visiting cousins and E had a whale of a time. Then on saturday we entertained at home, an old college friend of DH that I was meeting for the first time. A lovely evening going down memory lane!
E's star pillow being sunned, after she had a rough night. Luckily this one has a removable cover and the pillow is machine washable, but her regular pillow isn't. So I opened up the stiches, washed the wool and dried it in the sun.
All set to browse the new Ikea catalog along with a soothing cup of green tea. With the changing season, the throat has been acting up, so taking every opportunity to sit and have a cup of tea.
Morning walk to her school! The weather here in Dubai is now lovely in the mornings, very refreshing.
Some banana bread with oatmeal, which I really liked for it's added texture. And then a dollop of whipped cream, left over from the chocolate cream pie I took for lunch out. Slightly over browned in my oven that doesn't have a thermometer.


Shilpa said…
the change is seasons is evident here with avi having a full-on asthma attack on Saturday and us rushing to the hospital!
all is fine now, the month and week are starting afresh.
nice, your new succulent :)
Shalini said…
Ouch, hope he's all well now. It's a tricky time na!

Thanks....just got it on a whim at the grocery store!
Anonymous said…
Amazing post & very much interesting am sure your blog will be popular in 2013

Dubai Desert safari
Chandan said…
We have had our share of the change of season troubles here too! Whats up Shalini? , been a long time. Hope your little one is doing well :)
Shalini said…
Darren, :-)

Chandan, Yes, it's been ages. Doing well, the little one isn't so little anymore, which is both good and bad!

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