a new look?

One day, one of these fine days I am going to go to the cosmetics counter in one of those shiny stores where everything and everyone look like they belong to a perfectly coiffed world. It's almost the new year and that's always time to shake things up isn't it! To change what one as a boring old routine, to something new and exciting. Ok, so I'm not going bungee jumping or anything that wild, but going to those dreaded make-up pods might as well be the same thing. I'd love to find the perfect light day foundation to wear on a daily basis, and maybe some bronzer or blush thingie. I mean, I'm not looking for some fancy trick on how to make your eyelashes grow longer or thicker or anything like that, but finding a nice lipstick would be great too. Just the basics.


Purvi said…
Even i wish I could get the basics right, and then actually put them to use :) :) my make up simply expires without any usage :) :)
Shalini said…
Purvi, oh yeah, that happens to me too. The day, I finally decide to try my hand at some make up item that I dig out of my bag, I realize it's expired. I still have the blush combos that I got as a gift when I got married....and that was 9 years ago :-) I better get around to tossing it!
Shalini said…
I am such a makeup goof too. I need a savvy friend to just do it all for me!
Shalini said…
Shalini, me too...these days the alternative is not using any...except for eyeliner, without which I look sleepy :-( And a bit of lip gloss, which I feel is often better than lipstick, easier to put on and more forgiving if you pick a less than perfect color.
Prachee said…
I can so relate to you, I am happy with an eyeliner and a lip gloss too, have to avoid the sleepy look afterall ;)
And I see you stay in Dubai too! Really nice to have stopped by your blog!...
Shalini said…
Prachee, nice to find another dxb blogger....and even better that I'm not the only one trying to avoid sleepy eyes!
GB said…
:) those makeup ladies can be so intimidating! I'm just looking for a nice moisturizer/replenishing cream that I can wear on my sensitive skin. I don't wear much makeup--kajal/eyeliner when I remember and a nice neutral lipstick.

Sometimes au naturel is better! :)

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