photo: my little girl

I don't write much about my little daughter Elisha here, do I! So much of my time is taken up with her and I've been a bit shy about posting her photos here, so here are some shots of her. These were all taken in the past few months.

                           yawning away to high glory

                         playing on her alphabet mat

                             reading her favorite book

Earlier photos of her here and here.


Anonymous said…
gorgeous!! Shalini!! gorgeous!! Bless!! Best you are having an amazing time with the little one!! :-)
Rama Ananth said…
Such a lovely child, God bless her!
You have to catch all the beautiful moments of her life in you camera, so that you always enjoy them for a long long time. I used to click all the wonderful moments of my kids, and tape all their rendering of little songs/ nursery rhymes, their baby talk.
It is a wonderful phase of life, enjoy it.
Chica said…
Awww...she's totally adorable !
My Dream Canvas said…
She is adorable!!
Shalini said…
Thanks everyone!

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