One week in...

So, we're kind of settled into our new home and it's only been a week. Exactly one week actually and I'm quite pleased with myself for the initial rush of unpacking since now I'm feeling all tuckered out with it all. I've still got all my books in boxes and several suitcases of clothes that are still sitting there waiting for me and if I don't get to it soon, I'm just going to get used to them sitting there and not even see them after a while. The hardest part of packing and unpacking has been the organizing and discarding stuff. I always find moving to be a great time to sort out stuff and edit one's collection, but this time around, I've just been so caught up with Elisha that I didn't do it, so I've got lots of stuff still to sort out, including my ever growing collection of fashion jewelry. I love changing the jewelry I wear, so wearing real jewelry is not really the best option, so casual fun jewelry is what I do for daily wear. But now it's really time to edit my collection and maybe change its tone and look. Wish me luck :-)


GB said…
Shalini enjoy your jewelry for now, once she's older she'll be grabbing for it a lot and you'll find it difficult to wear anything but the smallest studs. pare down once you've crossed that stage (around the time she's running around--then she'll be reaching for/grabbing things anywhere within running/climbing distance!) :)
Shilpa said…
do not discard it!
put it up for sale or auction it... you do have acollection worth coveting :)
Shilpa said…
so nice to hear from you!!

*forgot to add*
Shalini said…
GB, Lol, she's already grabbing my earrings, kara, hair etc. We're going to be at a wedding in December and I have to get her used to me wearing some dangling sort of earrings, so she doesn't tear my ears apart with excitement.

shilpa, thanks....when things overwhelm me I just want to get rid of it all. I even thought of donating my books to the library....and I love to collect books.

Nice to be back too :-))
Anonymous said…
Oh no!! dont get rid of your jewellery... save it for Elisha... She will treasure it in just a few years.. trust me!!!

Hope you are settling in well... Cant wait to see pics of your new home..

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