trend: tshirts with a message

It seems that T-shirt shops are the new trend that all the teenagers are finding hard to resist these days. I've come across so many of them in town and on the Internet as well. Everything from funny tshirts to cheeky ones are in great demand. There is also a demand for underground text tshirts, such as for bands or events that are very niche and exclusive to only a select few, thus showing the wearer's knowledge of being in-the-know.

Of course, you cannot have any trend these days that does not have a connection of some sort with the Twilight series so Eclipse apparel are in great demand as well. And just in case, you crawled out from under a rock and are not quite sure what the fuss is about Twilight, then read up on Eclipse info on Wikipedia so you can hopefully be with-it for a while at least. Enjoy!


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