It's Friday again and that means it's time for a "this moment" photo. A photo that needs no words, a photo that makes you pause for a while, and a photo that lets you just be.
Thanks shilpa and Laksh! I had just woken up from my nap and when I opened the sheer curtains, the light just made it all look so good that I couldn't resist taking a shot.
Yasmine Zedan said…
it's a nice idea..i do something like this but not every's every year in my birthday,i take a shot for myself :) wondering how will it be after 10,20 or may be 50 years?? would I be there?! :-) thinking how time passes by and life changes makes me feel nostalgia..
Yasmine Zedan said…
by the way, you inspire me :)
Anonymous said…
Such a warm pic... Its a true friday... let it just be... pic!! awesome!! Hope you had a great weekend!!