A specialized tour for photogs
I read about a really interesting trend this morning on Springwise, which I have to say is one of my fave daily reading sites. Niche tours have been around for a while, such as the cooking tours in Italy, but here's a specific tour for photographers. London based Photours is offering guided tours to photographers, where you will not be rushed along as in a regular sightseeing tour. Currently, the company is focusing on Spain, Greece, Italy, Iceland and the UK for its tours. The tours are planned along themes such as taking night shots, or architectural or landscapes, and there are critiques held every night.
Photours also gives each participant a detailed workbook filled with full details of the themes used on their trip. Pricing varies with the length of the trip and the travel involved.It's also not hard to imagine a company like Canon—which already offers workshops in national parks—sponsoring something similar, or creating a branded travel business on the side.Source: Springwise.com
Should make some time to take these tours
mindspace, Lol, I end up way behind as well!