...and another Yay!

In continuation of my Yay post in early September, Lonny magazine from the former editors of Domino magazine is finally here. See the mag online here....for me it just wouldn't load in Firefox, but opened right up in Internet Explorer. I love that one can browse through the mag just like a real mag, mouse over the pics and you'll see a link that you can click on to go to the source, even for the advertisements....take a look, you'll love it too!


Suma said…
Ooh - thanks for the update. Will check it
out :)
hitch writer said…
yay !!! checking... its taking time to load !!!
My Owl Barn said…
I love the header very very much :)
Katja said…
Oooh, I really liked it too! I actually never got to see a Domino magazine, just images from it on blogs. I was just thinking about if I should order it for myself and then it died!
Shalini said…
Thanks everyone....I still haven't got done looking through the mag as yet....it's 195 pages long!

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