The simple power of nature

Although human subtlety makes a variety of inventions by different means to the same end, it will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple, or more direct than does nature, because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous.

Leonardo DaVinci


Anonymous said…
This thought crosses my mind every time I go for my morning walk and see the work of nature all around me.
Anonymous said…
Nice post..
Rose said…
Katja said…
lovely image Shalini!
Sharanya said…
i love pictures like this S
Shalini said…
Aditi, Me too. Sometimes one just takes it all for granted, and it's nice to slow down and think of things like this.

Patricia, Rose, bindu, Katya, thanks so much!

Sharanya, thanks....I took this probably in April last year, but never got around to posting it on Flickr....did a different version there.
Chitra said…
lovely light and tones, shalini. beautiful image.
JD said…
:-) you make such simple things look so beautiful..
Shalini said…
Thanks Chitra! This one's been on my upload list for ages!

JD, thanks...I like the simple things, so I suppose I focus more on them.
Shails said…
What a beautifully simple quote.

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