Reading list
I've been wanting to start reading like I used to and so I bought some books last weekend. I've had a weird books phase for a while, in the sense that I just get around to finding one to read that I'm in the mood for. It's never happened before I didn't like it one bit. I visit bookstores quite often and I will be going to the Library as soon as I get my residency card. I read book reviews in the sunday papers, and make lists of books that seem interesting, but when I get the book in my hands and read some more, it just doesn't seem all that interesting any more. Anyhow, I finally managed to overcome this odd feeling and found three books that I wanted to read. I got Kiran Desai's Booker Prize winning novel The Inheritance of Loss, Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go and Phillipa Gregory's The Boleyn Inheritance. I have started reading The Inheritance of Loss and am enjoying it so far. It's a very descriptive novel and her words really do transport you to the creaky old bungalow in Kalimpong where it is set. Glad to be reading again!