Remembering the blue skies of dubai
Here's a picture that I took a couple of weeks back. The sky was brilliantly blue, a complete contrast to its disappearance this past week. I took this photo from a moving car, so you can see a reflection at the top left corner. Yes, I know, I should have at least rolled down the window to take it...etc etc...but we were on the highway and I didn't want to get blasted by the wind. Anyhow, I liked how it came out.
Do you have a story to tell? The crib calls on 101.6 reminded me so much of Mumbai. Enjoyed them thoroughly.
Hey, which site do you go to for internet radio?
You may also try shoutcast or I love one of latter's Classical Strings station. The other day it was playing moonlight sonata on strings(guitar). It actually sound better than piano :)