Shoes, shoes and more shoes!

Who doesn't love or want a pair of Air Jordans? The shoes have taken on an iconic status over the years and are sure to continue to become the favorite of newer and younger customers as well with their new designs. Some of the shoes have a great retro design that are a nice take on what keds are meant to be. Seeing these shoes reminds me of one of the most fun projects I did in college. It was a combined effort of Sarah and me and our assignment was to create an innovative window display of just shoes. We used lots of books to create stacks of each day of the week with a different style of shoe on each pile of books to show the variety of shoes in one week on campus. It was a hit and we received a great grade for it. Wish I had kept pictures of it though....well I do have them but they need to be dug out of the depths of all my albums.


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