Geeky Speaky: All things tech
Have you visited Geeky Speaky lately? It's a really great blog for all things technology related. There is a new feature on the site, a directory called Geeky Speaky: Blog & Website
Directory that has lots on interesting sites listed and can help in increasing PR if you link to it. Colleen has a knack of being able to make even the most complicated new technology seem simple, understandable and usable. It's not easy to do that, and a lot of writers do exactly the opposite just to keep themselves at a higher level than anyone else. It's quite a short term strategy, don't you think? Well, Geeky Speaky is the opposite of that, and if you want your site to be added to her list of blogs, go ahead and submit your site.
Geeky Speaky: Submit Your Site!
Directory that has lots on interesting sites listed and can help in increasing PR if you link to it. Colleen has a knack of being able to make even the most complicated new technology seem simple, understandable and usable. It's not easy to do that, and a lot of writers do exactly the opposite just to keep themselves at a higher level than anyone else. It's quite a short term strategy, don't you think? Well, Geeky Speaky is the opposite of that, and if you want your site to be added to her list of blogs, go ahead and submit your site.
Geeky Speaky: Submit Your Site!