What will having Democrats in Congress mean to retailers?
With the Democrats winning the House in the US, how will retail be affected? George Anderson of Retail Wire comments on the likely issues that the Democrates have promied to address in the new Congress; wages, healthcare, immigration policy and environmental policy.
Take the poll and the read the article here.
Yesterday's election is being seen by many as a strong rebuke of President Bush and the Republicans on a number of issues, including the war in Iraq and the perception that power has corrupted the GOP.There's also a poll at the end of the article on whether you think the Democrat party controlled Congress will be better for the retail industry?
Now that the dust has mostly settled, it is time to have a look at just what a Democratic majority in Congress will mean for the broad retailing and food industries. Contrary to the polarizing rhetoric of the partisan politics, it may turn out that Democrats, while not in lockstep with retail leaders, are not as far out there on key issues affecting the industry as suggested by some.
Take the poll and the read the article here.